- Leave eye pad in place as long as instructed by Mr Ismail.
- Have a restful day following surgery.
- Take eye drops and ointment as prescribed.
- Eyelid swelling and bruising are normal following surgery, and may extend down the face into the cheek and neck. This will settle.
- Mild discomfort, or a gritty feeling in the eye, following surgery is normal. If you are experiencing severe pain or your eyesight is affected, please contact medical advice immediately.
- Try not to do strenuous activities, exercise or bend excessively for the first week after surgery.
- Avoid showering or bathing for the first day after surgery. For the first 2 weeks, if showering try to keep the surgery site dry, and bathe the area separately with cooled boiled water and a clean tissue.
- Avoid swimming for 3 weeks following surgery, and then wear goggles for 2 months.
- Try to sleep with 3-4 pillows for the first week.
- It is fine to use cold compresses (Bag of frozen peas wrapped in a thin flannel) to help reduce swelling.
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